• Resumo

    Drag and Drop to Proof: um jogo digital para demonstrar teoremas

    Data de publicação: 13/07/2022

    Mathematical proofs are an important aspect in the degree of
    mathematicians, and present even in professional degree in
    related areas. Thus, this work sought to appropriate concepts
    used in training environments aimed at marathons of
    programming and work with the use of metaphors to
    associate different actions to the process of writing a
    mathematical demonstration, in order to develop a tool to
    support the learn of "how to write a proof in mathematics".
    This feature involves arranging chunks of text from a proof, an
    action considered more complex than reading a proof and
    usually simpler than writing it yourself. Such dynamics
    provided, above all, the insertion of some playful elements
    that characterize this resource for each mathematical
    statement, as a kind of minigame.

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