• Abstract


    Published date: 17/11/2017
    Affordances indicate both possibilities of use, and usability of an action or piece of information. The concept of affordances, initially restricted to the field of psychology, today permeates the area of technology and mobility. This article outlines the profile of scientific studies on affordances in mobile technology. For this, a comprehensive literature review was conducted, including seminal and current studies on affordances, and studies that address the subject in the context of mobile technology. A bibliometric study with a sample of 104 articles published between 2005 and 2015 identified the main articles, the types of affordances described in the context of mobility, and the theoretical framework used to address affordances in mobile technology. The techniques of bibliometric, lexical, and content analysis allowed us to analyze the evolution of the scientific literature on affordances in mobile technology; to identify the main authors, the patterns of citations and co-citations, and the main periodicals and events that published more articles on theme, among other factors. This work also presents some contributions, limitations, and suggestions for further research.

Revista Alcance

Revista Alcance is a Brazilian free access journal, published every four months, linked to the Graduate Program in Administration and the Professional Master’s degree in Administration, Internationalization and Logistics Program of the University of Vale do Itajaí – Univali. We seek to publish theoretical-empirical and technological articles in the areas of Business Administration. Different theoretical and methodological perspectives are welcome, as long as they are consistent with and relevant to the development of the area.

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