• Abstract


    Published date: 29/12/2020
    Information technology plays an important role in logistics activities, helping to achieve good quality, low cost services and as a source of competitive differentiation. This study examines the role of information technology applied to logistics (TIL) in the context of strategic logistics management (SLM) as a tool for facilitating logistics operational performance (LOP). A qualitative exploratory study was conducted with a sample of thirteen logistics services providers (LSP) located in the region of Foz do Iguaçu in the Brazilian state of Paraná. In-depth interviews were conducted with the logistics managers, and the data gathered from the interviewees’ statements were submitted to content analysis. The results revealed that information technology applied to logistics was an important technological tool that, in interaction with strategic logistics management, prompted logistics services providers to manage the order cycle, remove activities that do not add value, and streamline deliveries, enabling them to meet the logistics performance goals.

Revista Alcance

Revista Alcance is a Brazilian free access journal, published every four months, linked to the Graduate Program in Administration and the Professional Master’s degree in Administration, Internationalization and Logistics Program of the University of Vale do Itajaí – Univali. We seek to publish theoretical-empirical and technological articles in the areas of Business Administration. Different theoretical and methodological perspectives are welcome, as long as they are consistent with and relevant to the development of the area.

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