Objective: This study investigates subjective and objective interaction processes expressed in the series that can foster the construction of representations of girl power today.
Methodological design: To do so, I conducted in-depth interviews with individuals who call themselves fans of the series and analyzed journalistic materials published in digital media vehicles that link the concept of girl power to the series' imaginary.
Results: The results were interpreted in the light of intersectional feminism and critical marketing. I observed that the act of placing women at the center of narratives represents a shift in contemporary dramaturgy.
Research limitations / implications: It is not possible to conclude that this series is feminist, as highlighted by some interviewees. This divergence arises due to conceptual mismatches between female empowerment; post-feminism; neoliberal appeals; the attitude of the characters; and those responsible for the construction of the series observed during the analysis of the study.
Originality: The study unites theories from different theoretical heritages, thus stimulating different perspectives and interdisciplinary openings to understand contexts that connect marketing, consumer behavior, and consumption to feminist studies. Furthermore, it stimulates the development of critical thinking capable of impacting societies, organizations, institutions, and consumption focused on the debate.
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