• Abstract


    Published date: 19/07/2016
    This study attempts to integrate two approaches regarding the organization versus the environment and the measurement of 37 Brazilian cities that have both a healthy economy and a healthy environment, through an approach based on Multi Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA) analysis. Its goal is to measure the performance of the cities based on a set of variables with contingency and ecological approaches, in order to measure the effort to adapt the cities, enabling us to identify and compare which cities have a better organization versus environment relationship, within a specific geographical context. It is based on the possibilities contained in the MCDA methods: Displaced Ideal and TOPSIS (American School). In terms of its goals, the research is characterized as descriptive, as it seeks to rank 37 Brazilian cities. The results show that the number of companies, per capita income, and HDI have a significant effect on the other variables. the evaluation of the organization versus environment relationship is seen as a vast, interconnected system that depends on the efficient use of the resources to bring effectiveness in the ideal environment. Thus, an increase in the number of businesses represents an improvement in the HDI and requires increased spending on other variables. The set of variables requires effort and is the effective rational basis for guiding public policy.

Revista Alcance

Revista Alcance is a Brazilian free access journal, published every four months, linked to the Graduate Program in Administration and the Professional Master’s degree in Administration, Internationalization and Logistics Program of the University of Vale do Itajaí – Univali. We seek to publish theoretical-empirical and technological articles in the areas of Business Administration. Different theoretical and methodological perspectives are welcome, as long as they are consistent with and relevant to the development of the area.

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