• Abstract


    Published date: 29/09/2016
    The Food Truck is a recent arrival in Brazil. Due to the important socioeconomic role of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), it is necessary to better understand this type of project. For this purpose, the Resource Based View (RBV) was applied. This study aims to identify the resources that are a source of sustainable competitive advantage, enabling the good performance of Food Trucks. The research is qualitative and descriptive, using a case study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and observation. The study revealed that the competitive advantage of the set of resources that generate competitive advantage varies among the organizations surveyed. The features that most stood out as potential generators of sustainable competitive advantage were: the truck model, exclusive raw material, power generation, equipment, network, technical knowledge of the staff, good service, its own revenue, the company's reputation and investments, its good service being the only strategic resource that all four of the companies studied had in common.

Revista Alcance

Revista Alcance is a Brazilian free access journal, published every four months, linked to the Graduate Program in Administration and the Professional Master’s degree in Administration, Internationalization and Logistics Program of the University of Vale do Itajaí – Univali. We seek to publish theoretical-empirical and technological articles in the areas of Business Administration. Different theoretical and methodological perspectives are welcome, as long as they are consistent with and relevant to the development of the area.

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