• Resumen


    Published date: 29/09/2016
    The informational economy is the basis of the network society, and promoted the creation of big technological parks, located at Silicon Valley in the USA, Sophia-Antipolis in France, and Cambridge in the UK in the late 20th century (CASTELLS, 2003). This paper studies the Beta Technology Innovation Park, its actors, and the relationships between them. The study becomes relevant when it comes to local development of Brazil, especially after the 2008 03/08 CMC (Conselho do Mercado Comum – Common Market Council), signed by Mercosur countries, when the legal landmark Science, Technology and Innovation 2008 – 2012 began. Regulation SC@2022 reinforces the State-of-the-art Innovation Program of the state of Santa Catarina, where Beta Technology Innovation Park is located, and which encourages the goal of transforming the state into a reference of innovation in sustainability in Brazil and worldwide. This paper uses the quantitative methodology of study through the UCINET system. The aim of this paper is to define the main actors involved, their relationships and the degrees of relationships. Through the analysis, it was possible to outline the typology of the Beta Park network and the source and intensity of relations between the actors, according to the indicators: centrality, density, intensity, importance, and degree. These results will assist with integration strategies, strengthening, expansion and development of networks.

Revista Alcance

La Revista Alcance es una revista brasileña de libre acceso, con publicación cua-trimestral, vinculada al Programa de Posgrado en Administración y Programa de Maestría Profesional en Administración - Gestión, Internacionalización y Logística de la Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – Univali. Buscamos publicar artículos de traba-jos teóricos-empíricos y tecnológicos en las áreas de Administración. Diferentes perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas son bienvenidas, desde que sean consisten-tes y relevantes para el desarrollo del área. 

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