• Abstract

    O debate entre Fraser e Honneth: vozes destransicionistas e o princípio da paridade de participação

    Published date: 22/09/2023

    An ideal dialogue in plural societies requires the effort to guarantee the participation of those involved in equal conditions. The controversy between Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser about the concept of recognition materially contributes to the constitution of the “counter-hegemonic bloc” alluded to by Fraser. By presenting the justification model of participatory parity, she suggests the analysis of institutionalized patterns of cultural valuation proposing changes in social interaction. Through Fraser's historical-analytical and counter-hegemonic method, the analysis of the phenomenon of gender detransition is proposed. Institutionalized hierarchies of cultural value affect transgender people, who suffer the effects of different categories of hegemonic discourses that depoliticize their needs because of the absence of full participation in decision-making.

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