Netflix and other streaming platforms have been gaining more and more space in people' routines. However, few English teachers take this tool into consideration while planning lessons. Certainly, there are limitations, especially in regular schools, but audiovisual narratives reflect the way dialogues happen in real life, cultural aspects, accents of different communities, and their themes can elicit students' interest (Magasic, 2017). From this perspective, educators should be interested in using videos in the classroom. Thus, this work was developed based on the question: how is it possible to create an activity, based on a Netflix series, that values identity traits and leads students to produce meaning through this experience? The general objective is to report activities carried out based on the appreciation of episodes of the series One Day At a Time, in a basic level 2 class of PROFICI - Foreign Language Proficiency Program for Students and Employees of UFBA. The justification for this work is related to the need to put the work of English teachers in line with contemporary teaching trends and, in addition, to present and discuss an activity that favors access to diverse and authentic materials in the English language.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sanio Santos da Silva, Felipe Flores Kupske
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Academic magazine linked to Communication courses and the Master's Program in Public Policy Management at the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali).