Objective: To explore market orientation and interaction with companies among academic researchers in Brazil, examining how these aspects vary according to areas of education and gender.
Design/methodology/approach: Use of a quantitative methodology, based on data collected through questionnaires directed at a representative sample of Brazilian researchers.
Results: The study identifies a significant positive correlation between market orientation and interaction with companies. Engineering and Agricultural Sciences show higher levels of these characteristics, while Health Sciences and Humanities display lower levels.
Limitations/research implications: The results are specific to the Brazilian context, limiting generalization to other contexts without further studies. Low response rate from researchers and possible lack of representation in some specific areas of education.
Practical implications: The study suggests the creation of programs that encourage researchers to engage with the business sector. The development of institutional policies that facilitate and value partnerships between universities and companies, such as incentives for collaborative projects and simplification of processes, is recommended.
Social implications: Promoting greater collaboration between universities and companies can result in innovations that benefit the whole of society.
Theoretical implications: This study contributes to the theory by demonstrating how market orientation and interaction with the business sector can vary among different areas of education and genders. It challenges previous perspectives by highlighting the need for approaches that consider the specificities of each area and gender differences.
Originality/value: This study broadens the understanding of interactions between the academic and private sectors in Brazil, offering new evidence on how the area of education and gender influence these dynamics. The study introduces insights for the development of more effective strategies for collaboration and market orientation, contributing to the formulation of public policies that promote greater inclusion and equity in university-company interaction.
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