
Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This is an academic/scientific article.
  • The theme of the work is directly related to tourism and its related areas.
  • The work has not been published in its entirety in any other publication medium (except publication as an academic work - eg dissertation or thesis).
  • The work is not in the process of being evaluated for publication in any other journal or vehicle.
  • The description of any potential conflict of interest of the authors pertinent to the publication of this article will be made in the field "Comments to the editor"
  • The structure and formatting of the work follow the TVA Guidelines for Authors and in the journal template.
  • The list of authors only includes the names of those who significantly contributed to the research in one or more of the following steps: research design, literature review, data collection, data analysis and/or results.
  • If the article has more than 4 authors, a justification of the number of authors must be included in the "Comments for the editor" field for evaluation and acceptance.
  • All authors must be registered as authors in the TVA electronic editorial system and undertake to act as evaluators of articles submitted to the TVA when invited.
  • Author information registered in the system is correct and up to date.
  • The authors undertake to make corrections and adjustments if requested at any stage of the submission process.
  • Make sure the article is not a bibliometrics.
  • Ensure that you do not have another article published or in the evaluation process in TVA during the current year.

Author Guidelines


TVA encourages, when appropriate, the publication of preprint articles and accepts articles previously deposited on servers in public platforms such as Preprints, SciELO Preprints, and EmeRI, so that, if necessary, they can be openly discussed before publication.

In this case, authors should inform the editor, at the time of submission, which platform was used and the status of the article. The article will receive the same treatment in the peer review process.

Access the Code of Ethics (https://periodicos.univali.br/index.php/rtva/declaracao-de-conduta-etica) of Turismo: Visão e Ação, which should be known to the authors, who, by submitting their articles, agree to the terms provided.


Peer Review Process

TVA relies on a permanent editorial board and ad hoc reviewers. Both members of the editorial board and ad hoc reviewers must be recognized researchers in the academic community and be affiliated with Graduate Programs and Research Groups.

The evaluation process for submissions consists of the following steps:

1) Desk Review Evaluation by the Editor and Editorial Assistants: This process aims to identify whether the article meets the journal's focus and scope requirements and whether the results reach a significant level for research in tourism and hospitality. Subsequently, the article will be checked using plagiarism detection software to confirm its originality, and for acceptance, the article cannot have more than 3% coincidences.

This process occurs within a maximum of 20 days, and the author(s) will be notified by email if the article: a) will proceed to the next evaluation stage; b) adjustments need to be made and a new submission must be made; c) there is no interest in publication in the journal.

2) Double-blind Review Stage: In this stage, the article will be sent to at least two TVA reviewers, without author identification (Double-blind review process), who will evaluate the document according to specific criteria available in the system. The evaluation feedback is provided through the system, with an average time frame of 30 days.

In cases of contradictory opinions, the article will be sent to a third reviewer. In this case, the final decision on publication rests with the Editors.

Authors can track the evaluation process in the submission area on the journal's website.

3) Editorial Decision: After receiving the evaluations from the editors, a decision will be made, which may be: a) Accept; b) Mandatory Corrections; c) Corrections and a new round of evaluation; or d) Reject.

(a) If the decision is Accept, authors will be notified, and instructions for adjustments, content improvements, grammatical and spelling revisions, if necessary, along with the Publication Template and Authorship Form, will be provided.

(b) If Mandatory Corrections are required, authors will receive communication via the system, containing reviewers' instructions for the necessary corrections and adjustments, which must be addressed within the established deadline. Corrections should be highlighted in the text, and the revised version must be returned in response to the editors' communication via the system. Unaccepted recommendations and suggestions must be justified.

If, after verification, the reviewers' recommendations have been addressed, the article will be Accepted, proceeding as per item (a).

(c) In the case of Corrections and a New Round, after corrections and adjustments by the authors as per item (b), the article will be sent for a new evaluation by two reviewers, who may be the same as those in the initial evaluation. If, after verification, the reviewers' recommendations have been addressed, the article will be Accepted, proceeding as per item (a).

(d) If the decision is to Reject, authors will be informed via communication in the TVA system, with a summary of the evaluations highlighting the critical points that led to the decision.

4) Approval for Publication: Only after the evaluation of the content improvements requested by TVA will the article be approved for publication.

In this case, authors will be asked to format the article using the Publication Template and complete the Authorship Form, as well as indicate their individual contribution to the article.

A final version translated into English or Spanish will be requested (final version with a letter confirming the translator's credentials), at the expense of the author(s). This version is optional if the author wishes to publish in the other language.

The publication of the article will include the names of the editor and section editor responsible for the submission and evaluation process.

The published article will receive a DOI identification number.

Approval reports for the article, with or without the identification of the reviewers, may be published if authors express interest to the editors through communication in the system, and with the agreement of the reviewers.



Open Data

TVA recommends that all research data be publicly available in repositories at the time of submission or become public upon publication of the article. If authors choose to keep research data closed, they must provide a justification at the time of manuscript submission, which will be reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief.

TVA recommends the use of institutional data repositories where one of the authors is affiliated or other reliable data repositories.


Fee Charging

TVA does not charge any fees: access, submission, evaluation, editing, or publication.



Accepted Document Types

The TVA accepts submissions of Scientific Articles in their original version. To format the article according to the standards recommended by TVA, please access the Submission Template.

Submitted articles must address the field of Tourism or related areas, such as hospitality, gastronomy, hospitality, leisure, and others. The document must be original, meaning it has not been published in any other national or international journal, nor in conference proceedings (full text) and/or book chapters of any kind.

Additionally, the manuscript should not be under evaluation in another journal, e-books, seminars, or conferences, whether national or international. This condition must be maintained throughout the entire evaluation process, awaiting TVA's response.

If the manuscript is a preprint and is deposited in a repository recognized by the journal, it may be accepted for submission on the condition that the authors withdraw it from the evaluation/contribution process, to be included in the journal's evaluation process. This condition must be recorded in the Form on Compliance with Open Science, which must be deposited in the system at the time of manuscript submission.

Regarding the number of authors, TVA restricts the maximum number to 4 authors per article. If the number of authors exceeds the recommended limit, a justification must be sent to the Editor, recorded in the system at the time of submission. At least one of the authors must hold a Ph.D. degree.

Works funded by municipal, state, or federal public agencies should be acknowledged in the final version for publication, before the References section. For more information, see the item: Funding Declaration.

A limit of one article published in the journal per volume or year per author/co-author must be respected.

Upon submission, the article will automatically receive an ID number that will accompany it throughout the evaluation and editing process, allowing authors to track the entire process. Upon publication, a DOI number will be assigned to the article.

Access the Submission Template and format the manuscript according to the submission standards recommended by the journal.


Author Contributions

In the final version of the article for publication, the last page should contain information about the individual contribution of each author to the construction of the document. Preferably, the taxonomy structure of CRediT should be used: https://casrai.org/credit/


Manuscript Preparation

The writing of the article must comply with the rules of the latest Orthographic Agreement of the Portuguese Language. When written in English or Spanish, it must comply with the rules of the specific language.

The submitted file must be in WORD format (.doc or .docx), without any author identification. Articles must be submitted as a Review Version without names or information that may identify the authors. This information should also be removed from the Document Properties.

At the time of article submission, ALL authors must be registered in the TVA system as authors. Authors must be inserted in the Contributors field, following the main author and co-authors, providing all identification data: name, title, affiliation institution, city/state/country, ORCID, and a brief curriculum of the authors.

The inclusion of an author after the article has been accepted in the submission process will not be accepted.

To ensure confidentiality in the evaluation process, the submission version should not contain any form of author identification, whether of the authors, institution, department, or research project. Failure to observe this condition may result in the article being removed from the evaluation process, at the Editor's discretion.

If necessary, proof that the article has been evaluated by an Ethics Committee should be included as an annex in the submission. This condition should be recorded in the article's methodology section.

Check if abbreviated citations in the body of the text (author, year of publication, and, when applicable, page) are complete in the references at the end of the text, and according to the American Psychological Association (APA) standards (current).

To help with formatting citations and references, it is recommended to use reference management software (e.g.: Mendeley).

For articles in English or Spanish, authors, if not native speakers, should provide a declaration confirming the credentials of the translator.


Article Submission Format

Articles for submission must be formatted to include the following parts and components:

  • Title (in Portuguese, English, and Spanish)
  • Abstract (in Portuguese, English, and Spanish)
  • Keywords (in Portuguese, English, and Spanish)
  • Introduction (containing context, problem, objective, and justification)
  • Literature Review/Theoretical Framework/State of the Art
  • Methodology (typology and procedures)
  • Results/Discussions
  • Conclusions (contributions, limitations, and recommendations for further research)
  • References of cited sources (unnumbered)

These topics must be clearly highlighted/specified throughout the text. Subheadings, if any, should be concise and clearly indicated.

The Abstract/Resumo/Resumen should have a maximum of 200 words, highlighting objectives, methodology, and a summary of results and contributions.

Keywords/Palavras-chave/Palabras clave, at least three, should reflect the fundamental ideas of the text and use common descriptors in the field of tourism and related areas.

Explanatory notes, when necessary, should be included in the body of the article.

Footnotes and endnotes are not accepted. If necessary, include them in the body of the article.

Citations in the body of the work and the corresponding references must comply with the current American Psychological Association (APA) standards.

Tables, graphs, and charts (in editable format, i.e., created from Word itself) should be numbered and inserted in the space provided for them, containing titles and their respective sources.

Figures (in jpeg or png format - at least 300 dpi) should be included in the Word file and sent separately (attached during article submission as a supplementary document).

Tables, graphs, charts, and figures can be submitted in color format.

If photographs with people are used, a filter must be applied to the faces of the individuals to prevent identification. If necessary, individuals must issue a formal permission for publication and use.

In the final version of the article for publication, information about the individual contribution of each author to its construction must be included on the last page. Preferably, the CRediT taxonomy structure should be used: https://casrai.org/credit/


Basic Article Structure Settings:

Font: Arial/Calibri, 14 (article title), 12 (body text), 10 (indented quotes).

Line spacing: 1.5.

Margins: 3 cm (top and left); 2 cm (bottom and right).

Paper size: A4.

Word processor: Word Windows 6.0 or later.

Paragraph: no space before or after: 0 point.

Alignment: justified.

Number of pages: minimum 18 and maximum 25 pages.

Please use the Submission Template for formatting your article.


Digital Assets

  • Tables, figures, engravings, illustrations, charts, and drawings should be inserted into the text. Scanned images should be presented with a resolution of at least 300 dpi real (not interpolated).
  • Materials from digital cameras should have a minimum resolution of 3 megapixels of optical resolution without compression (high definition module).
  • All images should be properly numbered and accompanied by titles, captions, and source indication.
  • The nomenclature for this type of material should be "figure" with progressive numbering separated by periods. The source caption should be placed below the figure.
  • Tables should be accompanied by a title that allows understanding the meaning of the gathered data without referring to the text, always placed above. Tables are dynamic, presenting statistical and other data. Indicate the source below the table.
  • Charts are used to present static data, for example: constructs used, hotel staff roster, and others. They should contain a title and the source.


Citations and References

TVA strictly follows the APA - American Psychological Association (current) standards for citing sources and bibliographic references.




Bardin, I. (1994). Análise de conteúdo. Edições Setenta.

Journal Article:

Castro, G. H.; López, T. L. S. & Rodríguez M. J. P. (2021). Perspectivas del Turismo Rural Comunitario en Áreas Protegidas: Una revisión bibliográfica 2010-2020. Revista Boletín Redipe, 10 (12): 318-331. https://doi.org/10.36260/rbr.v10i12.1591


Brasil. (2007). Decreto n. 6.040, de 7 de fevereiro de 2007. Institui a Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais. Brasília: Diário Oficial da União.

Book Chapter:

Ceballos–Lascuráin, H. (2002). Introdução: o ecoturismo como fenômeno mundial. In: Lindberg, K. & Hawkins, D. E. (Orgs.). Ecoturismo: um guia para planejamento e gestão (pp.23-29). Ed. Senac.

For other references, please consult the current APA standards.


Supplementary Documents

Submission Template.

Form for Compliance with Open Science

Originality Statement

Conflict of Interest Declaration


Funding Declaration

Authors must inform in the submission if they received any financial support for the construction of the article, and include in the body of the approved document for publication, as a form of acknowledgment, the name of the supporting organization or institution, for example: CNPq, Capes, Fapesc, others.


Additional Information

Notification of submission outcome: Authors will be notified about the submission, evaluation, acceptance for publication, and rejection process through communication from the system, which uses the email registered by the author responsible for the submission.

All communications between authors, the journal, and reviewers must be made and recorded in the TVA system, in the "Evaluation Discussion" field.

In case of requests for corrections and adjustments, the author responsible for the submission will receive the instructions in the system's own form, and they must be complied with within the established deadline.

Failure to meet the deadlines may result in the article being withdrawn from the process, and a new submission must be made by the authors, at the discretion of the editor.

Responsibility: Signed articles are the sole responsibility of the authors. The content of signed articles does not necessarily reflect the opinion of TVA.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.


Turismo: Visão e Ação

Turismo: Visão e Ação, linked to the Graduate Program in Tourism and Hospitality - Master's and Ph.D., is a scientific journal published in a continuous flow system, with an interdisciplinary and international scope. According to Qualis/CAPES criteria (2017-2020), it is classified as 'A3' in the fields of Administration, Accounting Sciences, and Tourism. Registered with ISSN number 1983-7151, Tourismo: Visão e Ação began its activities in 1998 with printed publications in English and Portuguese. In 2008, it transitioned to an online publication, expanding its reach to a broader audience. It maintains a policy of being an open-access journal without submission or access fees. The abbreviated title for the journal is Tur., Visão e Ação, commonly used in bibliographies, footnotes, references, and bibliographic captions.


Universidade do Vale do Itajaí- Quinta Avenida, 1100, bloco 7, CEP: 88337-300, Balneário Camboriú, SC – Brasil. Tel.: +55 47 3261-1315, e-mail: revistaturismo@univali.br


Latest issue

Vol. 26 (2024)

Access journal
