• Abstract

    Tourism and Local Development: culture as an element of support for the development of the activity

    Published date:
    This article is part of a dissertation for the Master's Degree in Local Development. In it, we seek to present some considerations relating to the conceptual and theoretical study of the proposed theme. In this reflection, we look at the meanings of culture for local development and its significance for tourism. As a first priority, it gives a systematized outline of what can, in fact, be defined as development. Based on this approach, a parallel is sought between tourism and local development, where the cultural issue is interpreted as a crucial factor for human development and for the organized activity of tourism, guaranteeing that it is carried out in a systematized way, and enabling participative management, so that it will result in the well-being of autochthonous communities. Key words: Tourism; Culture; Local Development.

Turismo: Visão e Ação

Turismo: Visão e Ação, linked to the Graduate Program in Tourism and Hospitality - Master's and Ph.D., is a scientific journal published in a continuous flow system, with an interdisciplinary and international scope. According to Qualis/CAPES criteria (2017-2020), it is classified as 'A3' in the fields of Administration, Accounting Sciences, and Tourism. Registered with ISSN number 1983-7151, Tourismo: Visão e Ação began its activities in 1998 with printed publications in English and Portuguese. In 2008, it transitioned to an online publication, expanding its reach to a broader audience. It maintains a policy of being an open-access journal without submission or access fees. The abbreviated title for the journal is Tur., Visão e Ação, commonly used in bibliographies, footnotes, references, and bibliographic captions.


Universidade do Vale do Itajaí- Quinta Avenida, 1100, bloco 7, CEP: 88337-300, Balneário Camboriú, SC – Brasil. Tel.: +55 47 3261-1315, e-mail: revistaturismo@univali.br

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