• Resumen

    Rural development and countryside diversification: Study on Rural Tourism practices in the brazilian Pampa biome region

    Published date: 03/03/2022
    This study analyzed practices of tourism in rural properties in the Brazilian Pampa biome region, taking into account the sustainability element, and analyzing how these actions can promote rural development in the region. It is a qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive research, carried out using the multiple case study method, the data being collected through interviews, and visits/observations, and analyzed through with a categorical content analysis and interpretative analysis. This study concluded that tourism in rural properties is still going to be a planned and structured practice that seeks to meet the visitors’ desires to know the countryside and to experience what the place has to offer, such as fauna, flora, habits, costumes, traditions, and typical gastronomy. In fact, it was found that rural tourism is a viable activity, and an income complement with a development potential to the region. With regard to sustainability, yet some practices still disregard the theme, it was observed that there is a concern related to the maintenance of green areas, to the preservation of fauna and flora, and of water resources. The pluriactivity of rural households can be observed, but, when it comes to thinking about sustainability, a greater synergy stills lacks.

Turismo: Visão e Ação

La revista Turismo: Visão e Ação, vinculada al Programa de Posgrado en Turismo y Hotelería - Maestría y Doctorado, es una publicación científica en un sistema de flujo continuo, interdisciplinario y de alcance internacional. Según los criterios Qualis/CAPES (2017-2020), está clasificada como 'A3' en el área de Administración, Ciencias Contables y Turismo. Registrada con el ISSN número 1983-7151, Turismo: Visión y Acción comenzó sus actividades en 1998 con publicaciones impresas en inglés y portugués. En 2008, se transformó en una publicación en línea, con un alcance más amplio hacia el público interesado, manteniendo una política de ser una revista de acceso abierto y sin cobro de tarifas por presentación o acceso a los artículos. Turismo: Visão e Ação (TVA) se abrevia como Tur., Visão e Ação, utilizado en bibliografías, notas a pie de página, referencias y leyendas bibliográficas.


Universidade do Vale do Itajaí - Quinta Avenida, 1100, bloco 7, CEP: 88337-300, Balneário Camboriú, SC – Brasil. Tel.: +55 (47) 3261-1315, e-mail: revistaturismo@univali.br


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