• Abstract


    Published date: 24/02/2022
    Purpose: Analyze the influence of Cognitive Flexibility and Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy on the entrepreneurial behavior of international leaders representing young entrepreneurs of the Young Entrepreneurs Alliance (G20 YEA - Young Entrepreneurs’ Alliance) and the Ibero-American Federation of Young Entrepreneurs (FIJE). Design/methodology/approach: The study has a mixed approach, using qualitative techniques, with the application of Comparative Qualitative Analysis of Fuzzy Sets (fsQCA) and quantitative, with comparison of parameters in different samples. Twenty-two world leaders representing young entrepreneurs from G20 YEA and FIJE were studied. Results: The results of the comparative analysis showed that the presence of Cognitive Flexibility (FC) and initiative to create their own businesses is a necessary configuration for Entrepreneurial Self-Efficiency (AE). Leaders who started their own businesses had higher CF and EA scores when compared to leaders who took on family businesses. Originality and theoretical implications of the study: Although entrepreneurship is studied in several areas of knowledge from economics to psychology (Baron, & Shane, 2005), there are gaps in terms of understanding the cognitive processes underlying entrepreneurial behavior. This study seeks to contribute to the construction of a new understanding for the development of an integrative theoretical model that recognizes the impact of executive functions, namely cognitive flexibility, as essential in entrepreneurial behavior.
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