• Abstract


    Published date: 25/07/2024

    Objective: The objective of this study is to understand how professionals characterize their work practices within the digital context.

    Methodology: 19 interviews were carried out with professionals in the areas of information and communication technologies and creative economy, using the long interview method, scrutinized through interpretative content analysis.

    Results: The findings showed work practices that are intertwined and immersed in the digital technological environment, revealing a necessary and predictive adaptation on the part of professionals.

    Limitations: The limitations of the research, in turn, are linked to methodological aspects in relation to (a) delimitation and (b) quantity and choice of respondents.

    Practical implications: The research contributes to the field by presenting how professional innovation practices are expressed empirically in the activities of innovation professionals.

    Social implications: The results can serve as a basis for managing the work of innovation professionals and their appropriate training, as well as for the development of public policies in the field of innovation.

    Originality: The professional practice of innovation forms an important construct, still little investigated in the area.

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