• Abstract


    Published date: 17/12/2024

    Objective: This theoretical essay explores the approaches of Communicative Constitution of Organizations (CCO) and Sociological Discourse Analysis (SDA), investigating how each contributes to understanding communication as a formative and transformative element in organizations. The analysis discusses the different theoretical and epistemological layers of these approaches, highlighting SDA as a tool for investigating power relations, identity, and culture in organizational discursive practices.

    Methodology: Based on epistemological perspectives stemming from the Linguistic-Pragmatic Turn, the study offers a theoretical analysis, emphasizing the diversity of the CCO and SDA approaches and how they can complement each other in illuminating distinct aspects of discourse and organizational communication.

    Results: The discussions reveal that both CCO and SDA provide valuable perspectives for understanding organizational communication. CCO examines organizations as formed from communicative activity, while SDA allows an in-depth examination of the symbolic and relational layers of discourses, evidencing how communicative practices shape and are shaped by organizational structures.

    Theoretical and practical implications: This essay contributes to Organizational Studies by expanding analysis of organizations as discursively constituted phenomena. By proposing a reflective and multifaceted perspective, the study invites researchers to explore the interplay between communication and power in various organizational contexts.

    Originality: By integrating SDA into the study of organizational communication, the article proposes an original theoretical approach that encourages the development of new questions and the continuity of critical debate, expanding paths of investigation into communicative phenomena in organizational settings.

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