• Abstract


    Published date: 24/03/2023

    Hearing Impairment (HI) in newborns can cause impairment in different spheres of their life, such as language development, speech disorders, educational or emotional impairments, among others. The identification of hearing disorders can allow families to receive information and support, in order to avoid significant delays in the development of children with HI. In this context, there is the Neonatal Hearing Screening, also known as the Ear Test, which allows the detection of possible hearing alterations in newborns and lactating women, allowing the diagnosis of hearing loss before the third month of life and the intervention before the six months of life. For this, it is necessary to have a system that can monitor the child with suspected HI, from its screening. Although screening is mandatory by law, after the Ear Test, data on the child end up being lost. The absence of systematized data does not allow managers to make a decision on the subject. In order to contribute to this problem, this article presents a web platform that allows the monitoring of children with suspected HI. This tool is undergoing validation and subsequent experimental use in two maternity hospitals.

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Revista Brasileira de Tecnologias Sociais

The Brazilian Journal of Social Technologies is a Qualis B1 publication, according to the Qualis Periódicos CAPES 2017-2020 classification.

The Brazilian Journal of Social Technologies aims to disseminate scientific knowledge through a biannual publication, which is characterized by multithematic and interdisciplinary content aimed, preferably, at the dissemination of work developed by the country's Professional Master's Degrees, in the form of products or processes that can be characterized as Social Technologies. Currently the editors are professors Carlos Roberto Praxedes dos Santos (Public Policy Management) and Graziela Liebel (Health and Work Management).

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