This article seeks to understand how the implementation of public policies in Brazil can influence the reading habit. Our objective is to observe the history of public policies involving the book in order to understand the current reading rates in the country, published in the research “Portrayal of Reading in Brazil”. This is an exploratory, bibliographical and documentary research with an inductive method. We observed that, from the time of Colonial Brazil, there was a delay before the State began to apply effective public policies to encourage the reading of books. Through this article, we were able to visualize the importance and the need to maintain effective public policies around books and reading. For more access to books and reading in the country, it is necessary to invest in the State.
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The Brazilian Journal of Social Technologies is a Qualis B1 publication, according to the Qualis Periódicos CAPES 2017-2020 classification.
The Brazilian Journal of Social Technologies aims to disseminate scientific knowledge through a biannual publication, which is characterized by multithematic and interdisciplinary content aimed, preferably, at the dissemination of work developed by the country's Professional Master's Degrees, in the form of products or processes that can be characterized as Social Technologies. Currently the editors are professors Carlos Roberto Praxedes dos Santos (Public Policy Management) and Graziela Liebel (Health and Work Management).