• Abstract


    Published date: 13/12/2017

    Digital games are considered to be the preferred activity of children and the Young as they enable interaction with virtual realities and can be played through any device connected to the internet. In this perspective, the objective of this study was to verify the way students with and without gifted behavior Interact with online game. This is a comparative research that had the participation of 18 students, from elementary school, who were divided into two groups, G1 composed of gifted students and G2 by students wihtout this characteristic. All participants performed an activity on online games, the students’ actions were analyzed based on the literature of the area and classified into three categories: Ignorance, Attempt and Error and Consciousness. We found that both gifted and non-gifted students used digital games and software in an intuitive way, exploiting them by “trial and error”, and unintentionally. The use of digital games in educational context promotes greater motivation and interest in carrying out the activities. We understand that the adoption    of digital games in educational context will benefit education, since these games approach the preferences and characteristics of digital natives and can have positive impacts on the learning of all students, regardless of their specificities.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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