• Abstract


    Published date: 05/04/2019

    Coming from a perspective anchored in Post-Structuralism, this article shares the effects of a work project that has been thinking of school geography based on Foucaultian studies. It therefore works with this field of knowledge as a practice made up of rules, norms and prohibitions, which constitute a linguistic system that not all are allowed to enter. Through this premise, it operates its analytic buy indicating that 1) the teaching of Geography is the result of a discursive formation, built amidst the relations of power and knowledge that establish how and what is to be said; 2) this discourse, in turn, obeys neoliberalism; 3) it’s about time of the teaching of Geography becomes, in the sense of Deleuze and Guattari, a Machine of War, turning itself against a) the misuse that has been made of its statements, b) the prohibition on teaching author, that lops the artistic creativity of the teacher, c) the master sentences and words, which excise other looks and possibilities of alternative expressions in teaching and learning.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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