• Abstract


    Published date: 07/03/2021

    Linked to the research group Laboratory for studies in Performative Education, Language and Theatricalities (ELiTe/UFPR/CNPq), we seek, through this article, to draw attention to the inherence of the performance of the social roles of artist, teacher and researcher in social dramas in the school. This requires a careful look at how these performances are conceived in the particularities of their practical and theoretical manifestations, in different studies, through the spellings by which they are distinguished. The recurrent use of two graphic signs, the backslash (/) and hyphen (-), to delimit what we are operating in the artistic do-thinking, as well as the contexts of art teaching and the research profession, provide support to enable the considerations developed here to be used to investigate the endorsement of these variables (/ -) in the written expression. The cornerstone of this research proposal consists of specific excerpts from Performance Studies and its developments in the area of education, where it is called Performative Education. We also invoke the ideas and discussions already common in the fields of Education and Art, in favor of a concept of inherence in the performance of the social roles of the artist, teacher and researcher that we demonstrate from the outset. Through this work, we reflect on the need to (re)acknowledge nature in relation to the educational experience, i.e., it is increasingly urgent to observe the nomenclatures adopted in our area of knowledge, constantly inquiring as to their possible interferences and updating the modes in praxis and emerging contexts.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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