• Abstract


    Published date: 07/03/2021

    The research-creation that we present here addresses, based on an act of
    fabulation with the community, through performance as a device, the unfolding of a
    controversial subject in the history of western art; the proposal is to understand art
    as a social and political event, rather than as a finished work. This is shown in three
    fundamental aspects proposed by Guattari: ethics, aesthetics and the productions of
    subjectivity, through the raising of a social cartography as an artistic-political strategy in which the community intervenes, in the role of intercessor of the process, allowing the pedagogical, social, political and creative dynamics of society to be inferred, and making life a work of art, in response to the contemporary malaise.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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