• Abstract


    Published date: 22/05/2022

    The Supervised Curricular Internship is a component that, when well planned and implemented, can contribute to the constitution of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values of all those involved. The study aimed to understand the organization and conception of the Supervised Curricular Internship expressed in the guiding documents of the Physical Education courses at two public universities in the state of Ceará, emphasizing the relationship of these conceptions with those that are recommended by the educational legislation and current scientifi c literature. Thus, a descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative approach was used. As a theoretical and methodological contribution, it was used the writings of Ghedin, Oliveira & Almeida (2015), Lima (2012), Pimenta & Lima (2017), Piconez et al. (2012) and Zabalza (2014). The analyses were based on the hermeneuticdialectical method of Minayo (2000), with the aid of the IRAMUTEQ Software version 0.7 alpha 235. The guidelines indicate a concept of Internship related to a theoretical-practical activity, which can stimulate refl ection and the rescaling of training, the constitution of knowledge, and the construction of the teaching identity. Furthermore, it is suggest ways that can strengthen the formative processes in this curricular component, for example, the students approximation to the school reality since the first semesters of the course and the integration of the investigative attitude from the “Internship with research” or “research in the Internship”.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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