• Abstract


    Published date: 22/05/2022

    In the year 2020, as a result of the advance of the covid-19 pandemic, educational institutions in Brazil adopted emergency remote teaching, replacing classrooms in person with classes off ered by digital means, and in 2021 they have defended hybrid education as a means of open schools to students. Therefore, this article discusses the adoption of mobile technologies during emergency remote teaching, assuming that devices such as cell phones, tablets and notebooks were used by many teachers and students in order to carry out teaching and learning activities and point to the importance of hybrid education in 2021. The methodology adopted in the study is part of the fi eld of qualitative research, descriptive-explanatory, through the implementation of a training proposal for elementary school teachers, through which we intervene in the continuing education of these professionals. Given the results of the study, we discuss the importance of teacher education in a post-pandemic scenario, in order to promote conditions for the use of digital technologies and mobile devices in teaching practice, considering that these devices are more common in today’s society.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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