• Abstract


    Published date: 19/09/2023

    This study is part of the understanding of dialogicity about concepts and definitions of Curriculum and Assessment, in light of a new training process that should be guided so that it prepares students with the profile demanded of them in today’s environment. This training posture must be reflected, as society demands, for the job market, an autonomous individual with comprehensive knowledge, who develops their activities with logical reasoning, skills, abilities, optimization and the necessary speed. This epistemological overview provides a scientific understanding of the two objects in question, as they form part of longstanding political, social and cultural discussions in the field of education. Furthermore, it is emphasized that the curriculum is the document that regulates the educational practice in the classroom, while the assessment provides a systematic way of determining whether the knowledge has been assimilated, aiming at the full training of the subject to perform his or her personal, professional, collective or individual actions. However, for education to be qualitative, it is essential that all those involved in the educational process know these concepts and definitions, so that knowledge is not propagated as a role to be applied, but becomes part of the transforming action that will enable the students to exercise their citizenship in society, in a legitimate and integral way.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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