• Abstract


    Published date: 25/06/2012
    The Knowledge Era has brought a new vision for education in companies, and in the face of fi erce competitiveness, developing employees’ skills is no longer is considered a cost, but assumes a position of prominence among the organizational strategies. To achieve signifi cant results, corporate education must be aligned with business strategies, and the teacher must participate actively in the process of teaching and learning. This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the real functions of educators in the fi eld of people management and their vision of the educational process in companies. The research methodology consisted of an exploratory empirical investigation. A literature review was carried out, particularly in databases, identifying the path that has brought education to a strategic level in companies, and the consequent need for integration of the professionals responsible for the teachinglearning process - the Educator - in the area of People Management. The survey technique was applied, using a questionnaire with ten open questions and twelve closed questions, which was sent by email to a group of thirty-three professionals working in companies, with training in Pedagogy. Due to the diffi culty of fi nding Educators working outside school environments, convenience sampling was used, according to the criterion of accessibility, without any restriction as to the location or segment of the company. Based on the literature review and the seven questionnaires obtained, we observed that the education process in fi rms, to be properly conducted, requires the knowledge of this professional, who needs a more solid training in relation to their attributions, and these businesses need to recognize this person as indispensable for their area of Training and Development.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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