• Abstract


    Published date: 16/04/2012
    This article analyzes the potential of working with curricular contents in schools in an interactive way, and developing collaborative learning and knowledge through the use of blogs in education. The research question is: Could the blog be used as a tool for the production of knowledge in the school space? The use of this online tool in the teaching and learning process is analyzed through the lens of Cultural Studies, from Foucauldian perspective of the prohibitions and the desire for truth in the pedagogical discourses. There are fewer prohibitions in the interactive online environment than on the speaker’s discourse outside these environments, hence the fear of speaking out, and being criticized, is lower. The contact mediated by the blog allows the producer of the discourse to predict some responses, some questions, and verifi cation of validation, or not, of his ideas without real exposure. In the so called “blogosphere” there are tensions between theories and speakers, and it could be a useful tool for the process of online interaction among users. The speaker who is afraid of being silenced is more comfortable in the blog to defend his positions based on his theoretical framework and experiences, permeated by social, historical and cultural conditions as part of his discourse.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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