• Abstract


    Published date: 25/04/2016

    This text presents the results of a study to investigate the social representations of prejudice against geographical origin and place in students from rural schools, with the main purpose of improving teacher training (cf. Author, 2013-2015). In the context of the macro-region of São José do Rio Preto (SP), social representations of the “caipiras” (which can be translated as yokels, or country bumpkins) are very relevant; therefore, this  project collaborates in the development of research aimed at describing and understanding the processes involving the relations between prejudice, education, and the rural world, especially traditional communities known as “caipiras”. In relation to teacher training, this research investigates the perspective of cultural counter-hegemony; it to infer that prejudice against geographical origin and place needs to be seen as an element in the formation of  humanity of the student; and it theorizes about training from the perspective of political action aimed at social transformation.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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