• Abstract


    Published date: 23/03/2009
    The consumption of alcohol among university students is a constant and alarming reality in our society. In view of this fact, the need arises to carry out a study on this theme. The objective was to determine the type and frequency of alcohol consumption among students of two graduate courses at the Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina – UNISUL, Tubarão Campus/SC: Civil engineering, with predominantly male students, and Pedagogy, with predominantly female students. The methodology used was a qualitative and quantitative study at exploratory level. To obtain the data, a questionnaire with open and closed questions was used. This questionnaire was applied to 130 students of both courses. The results indicate that the majority (63.16%) of the students on the Civil Engineering course consume alcohol on a weekly bases, while for the students of the Pedagogy course, the weekly frequency is 19.56%. The distilled drinks most mentioned by the Engineering students were vodka, with 30.77%, and whisky, with 30.77%, and vodka, with 11%, was the distilled drink most mentioned by the Pedagogy students. Of the fermented drinks, beer was the one most consumed by both sets of students: Engineering, 53.03% and Pedagogy 33.07%, respectively. In terms of the place of consumption of alcoholic drinks, parties represent the highest figure, with 42% for the Engineering students and 41% for the Pedagogy students.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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