• Abstract

    LEARNING ASSESSMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION: questions that arise from the teaching practice

    Published date:
    Learning assessment in higher education, as an object of study, prompts reflections on the concepts and procedures currently used, as well as the paradigms proposed in the educational literature. This work is the result of a series of discussions which took place at certain times in the continuing education of teachers – priviledged place fordiscussing and negotiating meanings and significances of learning assessment as a training practice. It presents the main questions posed by teachers of higher education, in a simultaneous movement of resistance to change and receptiveness to new things, in a debate in which contradictory values and concepts were seen, which move towards, or confront each other in a permanent play of forces and questionings on evaluation, measurement and negotiation in the teaching-learning process.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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