• Abstract

    SOCIAL INCLUSION A DECADE AFTER THE PROMULGATION OF LAW 9394/96: Between the rhetoric of the legal and the transient nature of rhetoric of the real

    Published date: 24/03/2009
    The paper analyzes the concepts of social responsibility and inclusion in the current National Education Bases and Guidelines Law. Based on the guidelines expressed in this legislation, it is observed that there is a discrepancy between the rhetoric of the Law, according to its political and normative-ideological content, and the reality of educational and social practices. It therefore underlines the need for an esthetic-ethical approach between what is said and what is accomplished, which appears to be a challenge that is indirectly or thematically involved in the teachers' actions and in the interrelations between subject-citizens that we all are.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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