• Abstract

    Educational research in Brazil: trends and perspectives

    Published date: 24/03/2009
    The article discusses the research trends, shared in the country in recent years, and the perceptions of these trends in an educational context, through a systematization based on a literature review and revision of notes taken during the working day, as a teacher in Educational Research over the last fifteen years. It can be seen that this form of approach is based on a dialectic view, contemplating the movements and contradictions inherent to educational, and therefore social spaces. As a systematization, the article was organized to present concepts in educational research, to understand how these concepts are configured from a historical point of view, and to suggest some work difficulties in this field at the present time, including, within this aspect, financing of educational research in the country. These themes are interconnected and interdependent throughout the arguments.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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