• Abstract

    In past waters: nostalgia in the utopias of TV series Electric dreams

    Published date: 25/07/2024

    This paper analyzes the episodes The hook maker and Impossible planet, from the TV series Philip K. Dick's Electric dreams, in order to observe the utopian role of nostalgic memory in narratives in which the future offers no prospects for change. Nostalgia, in this sense, would approach utopia, by projecting images of happiness in very specific places. From the study of the scenes in which the characters “dream awake”, we analyze the strengths and limitations offered by the feeling of nostalgia as a transforming element. In conclusion, we debate the tension between utopian projects that move between individual and collective impulses and the narratives solutions.

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    Referências audiovisuais

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Vozes e Diálogo

Academic magazine linked to Communication courses and the Master's Program in Public Policy Management at the University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali).

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