• Abstract


    Published date: 18/12/2023

    Oral health is recognized as a pivotal component of individuals' quality of life. However, at the national level, a significant portion of the population still lacks adequate access to dental services. In this context, the present research aims to characterize Oral Health Care in Primary Health Care within the municipality of Criciúma, SC. This study is conducted as a cross-sectional analysis using data from an overarching project titled: "Primary Health Care: Health Situation Analysis and Prospects for the Public Health Network in Criciúma, SC (ASIS)." A total of 45 Health Units were included, with 38 of them housing dental health teams. Concerning physical and operational infrastructure, 40 units were equipped with dental offices, three of which had more than one dental office. Regarding the roles of the dentist, 94% participated in team meetings; however, 23.68% were still not engaged in home care visits. As for Primary Health Care users, 81% reported satisfaction with dental care services. Ultimately, the significance of continuous health education is highlighted as a catalyst for the constant promotion of knowledge and skill updates, enhancing the teams' ability to tackle emerging and intricate challenges, thereby improving service efficiency and quality.

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Revista Brasileira de Tecnologias Sociais

The Brazilian Journal of Social Technologies is a Qualis B1 publication, according to the Qualis Periódicos CAPES 2017-2020 classification.

The Brazilian Journal of Social Technologies aims to disseminate scientific knowledge through a biannual publication, which is characterized by multithematic and interdisciplinary content aimed, preferably, at the dissemination of work developed by the country's Professional Master's Degrees, in the form of products or processes that can be characterized as Social Technologies. Currently the editors are professors Carlos Roberto Praxedes dos Santos (Public Policy Management) and Graziela Liebel (Health and Work Management).

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