Since writing his For the Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche has been developing a project marked by an increasingly radical distrust of the fundamental bases of culture. Aristocracy can be inferred from the philosopher's criticism of the entire gregarious dimension, through which culture is marked. In the course of this work it will be observed to what extent Nietzsche's effort is capable of contributing to the political project of domination and overcoming. The very notion of aristocracy has, in its dimension of radicalism, virtue as the will to dominate, one of its differences. Would this virtue be understood exclusively as strength, and therefore devoid of morality, informed by Christianity as a civilizing project, beyond mass culture and the existential void?
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The Brazilian Journal of Social Technologies is a Qualis B1 publication, according to the Qualis Periódicos CAPES 2017-2020 classification.
The Brazilian Journal of Social Technologies aims to disseminate scientific knowledge through a biannual publication, which is characterized by multithematic and interdisciplinary content aimed, preferably, at the dissemination of work developed by the country's Professional Master's Degrees, in the form of products or processes that can be characterized as Social Technologies. Currently the editors are professors Carlos Roberto Praxedes dos Santos (Public Policy Management) and Graziela Liebel (Health and Work Management).