Focus and Scope

All articles submitted must be unpublished, and must be on the subject of public policies in education, their guiding principles, and the consolidation of those principles in the form of educational standards, programs and practices, with emphasis on teachers’ knowledge, the distribution of roles, and the organization of pedagogical activities. Texts that address different languages, educational technology, and teacher training will also be accepted. Our preference is for publications by Brazilian and international doctorate researchers. Besides unpublished articles and research reports, the journal also includes book reviews, interviews, and translations of works carried out by doctorate teachers and researchers, provided these are approved by the Editorial Board. CONTRAPONTOS is indexed in the following databases: SIBIUN/Univali, Portal Periódicos CAPES, GeoDados, Edubase, Latindex, IRESIE, Sociological Abstract, ACAFE and Educ@. CONTRAPONTOS is a national, three-monthly jornal, classified as B2 in Qualis Educação, and is part of the Postgraduate Program in Education of UNIVALI (Master’s and Doctorate), with a CAPES concept of 5.

Peer Review Process

The evaluation process is developed as follows:

1) "Desk Review" carried out by the General Editor and Publisher Operations.
This process aims to identify if the article meets the methodology requirements, if the contribution of the theoretical objective fits the objectives of CONTRAPONTOS; and if the results reach the relevant level of significance for research into education.

2) "Blind Review" evaluation 
This step involves assessing the article by two experts on the subject in a "blind review". Expert Professors in the subject belong to the group of researchers that collaborate with CONTRAPONTOS.

3) If there is disagreement in the evaluation, a third specialist in the research topic will be invited to solve analytical differences.

4) In case of analysis by the third appraiser, it will be up to Editors to stipulate the final decision.

Book reviews, interviews and texts for the “Seção do Professor” (Teachers’ Section) and “Reflexões Acadêmicas” (Academic Reflections) will be analyzed by the Editorial Board. There is no appeal process for works that are not accepted for publication.

Publication Frequency

From the year 2019, CONTRAPONTOS began to publish a single volume per year with a continuous flow of articles publication.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

History of the journal

CONTRAPONTOS was first published in 2001, to coincide with the implementation of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali. The journal was created as a contribution of the program to disseminating research in the field of Education. CONTRAPONTOS is now a recognized publication in the area of Education. It is a peer-reviewed quarterly publication, targeted primarily at the academic-scientific community. Has been circulated nationally, without interruption, since 2001. In 2009, CONTRAPONTOS became an exclusively electronic journal ( This new format also greatly expanded the reach of the journal, in terms of its readership and circulation, including internationally. In 2019, the Univali Postgraduate Program in Education started to publish a single annual volume with a continuous flow of publication.


The journal CONTRAPONTOS is indexed in the following search engines:


Sociological Abstracts



CONTRAPONTOS uses the LOCKSS system to create archiving system that is distributed among the participating libraries, enabling them to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration.

Journal History

CONTRAPONTOS was first published in 2001, to coincide with the implementation of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali. The journal was created as a contribution of the program to disseminating research in the field of Education. CONTRAPONTOS is now a recognized publication in the area of Education. It is a peer-reviewed quarterly publication, targeted primarily at the academic-scientific community. It is published every three months, and has been circulated nationally, without interruption, since 2001. In 2009, CONTRAPONTOS became an exclusively electronic journal ( This new format also greatly expanded the reach of the journal, in terms of its readership and circulation, including internationally. 


Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.




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