• Abstract


    Published date: 05/04/2018

    Our aim, with this text, is to contribute to reflection on the production of knowledge in the field of History of Education, presenting Microhistory as a possible theoretical methodological contribution for reading, questioning and elaborating hypotheses about past societies, based on clues, traces and signs. One of the difficulties the researcher encounters is that there are sometimes gaps in the documentary sources, due to losses and different arrangements of memory institutions. How can we construct an explanatory model that respects the uniqueness of its research object? Based on the Evidence Paradigm, proposed by Ginzburg (1989) we present an alternative way to gather the pieces of the puzzle and discover the beauty of drawing. Our paper presents the dialogue between History and History of Education. We choose the following as interlocutors: Vainfas (2002), author of the book Micro história: os protagonistas anônimos da História [Microhistory story: the anonymous protagonists of History], one of the first studies on the subject on screen. Espada Lima (2006) contributed to the debate on methodology of research through his book A micro história italiana: escalas, indícios e singularidades, which allows us to understand the genesis of the movement and the studies developed by different authors. Schueler and Sooma (2008) published a review of the book by Espada Lima in the Revista de História da Educação of the Brazilian History of Education Society - SBHE, breaking the frontiers of History and bringing the book closer to researchers in History of Education. Along similar lines is the work of Faria Filho and Simões (2012); in their book Pensadores Sociais e História da Educação, volume dois, there is a chapter dedicated to the intersection of Carlo Ginzburg's thought with History of Education. As a result, our work presents the debate on the use of Micro history as a theoretical methodological contribution, to reflect on research in History of Education. We intend to walk along the trail blazed by the abovementioned authors, thinking about the objects of research, the methodology, and the use of documentary sources, in order to promote studies that will reveal new nuances of societies of the past.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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