• Abstract


    Published date: 04/07/2018
    This article presents research data on Initial Teacher Training, in the historical trajectory of educational policies, focusing on the period from the 1990s up to the present time. It situates the topic as a current issue in the different historical periods, and in this context, marks the advances and setbacks in the conquest of the right; extension of time in counterpoint to the insistence on a lighter training; disputes between public and private care; and a curriculum constantly in dispute. It analyzes educational policies from the 1990s, focusing on the initial training of teachers, highlighting the importance of didactics in the theoretical-legal framework for the restructuring of undergraduate courses in educational institutions, prompted by resolution 02/2015 (BRAZIL, 2015) in vogue in Brazil. It provides documentary analysis from the Law of Guidelines and Bases [Lei de Diretrizes e Bases] (BRASIL, 1996), the National Guidelines for the Initial Training of Teachers [Diretrizes Nacionais para a Formação Inicial de Professores] (BRASIL, 2002, 2015), and bibliographical studies based on the category “educational policies” (GATTI, 2009; the field of didactics and teacher training (LIBANEO, 1985; MARINS, PIMENTA, 2015; MARTINS & ROMANOWSKI, 2015; VEIGA, 2012). It emphasizes that resolution 02/2015, in the current teacher training policy, expresses the contradiction and should stimulate a broader debate on the crisis in teacher training. It argues that the field of didactics is indispensable to the initial training of teachers, especially in view of the need to teach the origins, history and epistemology of the different areas of training, overcoming the premise of resolving the separation between the current needs of basic education schools and the training promoted in higher education.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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