• Abstract


    Published date: 26/09/2018

    The theoretical perspective of media ecology, addressed by McLuhan (1962), Postman (1970) and Ong (1982), views the media as immersive cultural environments in which relational aspects gain relevance. Shifting the focus from the effects of the media to the languages that constitute them, media ecology seeks to understand the significant changes that technologies have brought in the communicative, political, economic and social spheres. The aim of this article is to investigate the integration of technologies in the school environment from the perspective of media ecology. It presents a study carried out  between 2014 and 2016, in eight municipal schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The qualitative study involved eighty research subjects, including teachers, school Principals and pedagogical coordinators. The results show the presence of technology in the school from a cultural point of view and the vicissitudes that make it difficult for the school actors to recognize and deal with this presence.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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