• Abstract


    Published date: 06/02/2019

    This article presents the relations between social transformations, forms of education and learning, based on a theoretical revision on the subject. It was observed that not all authors define the notions of formal, non-formal, and informal information in the same way, rather, these notions are articulated according to the social contexts of different countries; that the concept of learning, over time, has been expanded, both in terms of space and time; that new paradigms about learning have emerged, including the notions of experience and participation, and that the use of the trilogy is more important in political projects than in academic ones. Two new modalities of education have emerged in the disciplinary or interdisciplinary framework: a descriptive one, which has based on the educational dimensions, that allows the elaboration of educational profiles; and another, which relates the contexts to the educational contents, enabling a typological delineation of education.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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