• Abstract


    Published date: 04/10/2023

    The article is the result of a research that examined ways of being a teacher and student engendered by Educação em Revista (ER), when it addresses the work with entrepreneurship in schools. The theoretical contributions are linked to the thought of Michel Foucault and his commentators. The empirical material, examined following the discourse analysis, consisted of copies of the ER edited from 2013 to 2020. Scrutiny of the reports showed that: a) teachers, when dealing with entrepreneurship work, are displaced from the position of a subject who teaches for a subject of learning; b) students become the center of any educational practice, becoming autonomous, creative and protagonists. It is concluded that entrepreneurship in schools acts in the individualization of the subject, who becomes responsible not only for economic development, but also for their choices, ensuring their permanence in the neoliberal game.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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