• Abstract

    Science teaching from a zoocritical perspective

    Published date: 27/05/2024

    Science and literature are not antagonistic. Based on this premise, this research aims to investigate, under the French Discourse Analysis method and the Zoocritical perspective, the relationships between man, animal and environment, mediated by the works Vidas Secas, by Graciliano Ramos, and O Quinze, by Rachel de Queiroz, with a view to signaling the overlap between Science teaching and Literature. As main results, it is pointed out that the speeches of the characters (human and non-human) demonstrate the animality of the human and the sentience of the non-human animal (“whale dog”), which presents feelings and emotions, evoked in literature, revealing a significant articulation between Science and Literature. Therefore, Zoocriticism is an inter and transdisciplinary area that launches itself into the universe of integrated interpretations of reality, thus emerging a more complex and profound understanding of human-animal-environment relationships.


Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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