• Abstract

    Early childhood education on the Brazil-Paraguay border: portraits and perspectives under the approach of a literature review

    Published date: 22/05/2024

    This article seeks to understand the portrait of Early Childhood Education on the border between Brazil and Paraguay through a literature review discussing the perspectives and reality of academic production on the topic. Initially, the geographic and cultural reality of the region will be discussed, followed by a bibliographical survey carried out in the CAPES Theses and Dissertations Bank, bringing together and discussing the contributions of the main productions to understanding the topic. The bibliographic survey was carried out in the CAPES Theses and Dissertations Bank and used the terms “childhood, border and rights” as descriptors in a cross-sectional manner. The time frame (1996 to 2022) and the relationship with Postgraduate Programs in Education were also used as search filters. As results, the deficiencies in relation to studies that discuss the theme of Early Childhood Education on the Border are highlighted, as well as the need for further scientific clarification on the subject.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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