• Abstract


    Published date: 08/12/2023

    This text is born from the uncomfortable function of producing knowledge based entirely on a Western way. The question that arises is the possibility of drinking from other sources or even changing sources, deliberately displacing the hegemonic "source," seeking geoepistemic spaces that allow the hydration of another way of thinking. This means to go in search of a "bathing", not only in the metaphorical sense, but to allow oneself to be taken by these other possibilities. In this work we seek to produce a path that takes historically silenced, erased, or hidden elements, inviting them into dialogue. In this "archeological" effort, we try to potentiate what happened in this erasure, exploring the potency, as a condition, for the production and valorization of other knowledges. It is announced, at first hand, how much the knowledge, anchored in ancestries of peoples and human groups that have been displaced to the margins of history, gain a prominent place in this construction.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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