• Abstract

    The The school radio in the early years of elementary school as an educommunicative ecosystem: : a theoretical mapping based on integrative review

    Published date: 20/12/2024

    With the qualitative approach of research focused on education, the integrative review
    with the objective of presenting the collection of publications on pedagogical practices developed
    in school radio activities in the Years Initials of the Elementary School. Based on Botelho, Cunha and
    Macedo (2011) the research was developed in the following databases: Digital Library of Theses
    and Dissertations, Coordination of Higher Education Personnel, Academic Gloogle and Educational
    Resources Information Centre. The research resulted in the analysis of publications included in the
    chronological cut from 2019 to 2023, that the pedagogical practices in school radio contribute to
    the protagonism of students in their learning path, and the development of orality and enable the
    involvement of the school community, being a possible way to establish an educomunicative ecosystem.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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