• Abstract

    Interactions between daily and philosophical concepts in Philosophy as a high school discipline

    Published date: 06/05/2010
    In the context of discussion on Philosophy lessons in high school education, this research seeks to understand the relationship between the development of spontaneous and philosophical concepts in teaching activities. The study analyzes philosophy lessons with fourth year students of a course in Information Technology at a State college in Paraná, Brazil. The analysis was based on the premises of Historical and Cultural Theory. The results show that the appropriation of philosophical concepts offers the students opportunities for more complex interaction with the world, since these concepts, as symbolic instruments produced throughout the history of Philosophy, enable the student to overcome opinions derived from personal experience. We also observed, in the student’s development, a relationship of resistance and interdependence between spontaneous concepts and the systematized concepts of Philosophy.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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