• Abstract

    The criticism of humanism in education and the repercussions on the pedagogical discourse in the contemporary scenario

    Published date: 16/03/2011
    This study examines topics concerning the impact of the post-modern scenario on the formulation of pedagogical discourse, particularly based on the critique of the humanistic ideas that generally support the modern tradition of education. The emergence of the postmodern, as a milestone of thought, puts the modern tradition under suspicion, mainly because it criticizes the weakness of its foundations. Finally, this study considers the impact of the criticism of the humanistic basis of education in the contemporary scenario, a period when we can no longer rely on the comfort of a solid, all-surpassing theory, and at the same time, are not exempt from justifying the pedagogical action.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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