• Abstract

    “Proposals for the future of education”: bringing up-to-date Pierre Bourdieu’s refl ections on Education

    Published date: 16/03/2011
    This paper offers some considerations about the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and one of his important contributions for refl ection on the educational system, namely, his participation in the writing of the report “Propositions pour l’enseignement de l’avenir”. The essay presented here is signifi cant for two reasons. The fi rst is the possibility of recommending or encouraging the reading of Pierre Bourdieu’s work, highlighting his important contributions for Sociology of Education. The second is the relevant content of the above mentioned report, which discusses educational practices and issues related to the organization of the educational system. This article concludes by emphasizing the importance of formulating action plans for the educational system that should continually promote refl ection on Education. Far from becoming projects for reform, these action plans could inspire and promote further refl ection and actions on education, involving research or public policies.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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