• Abstract


    Published date: 17/11/2015
    This paper presents a reflection on a study developed with public high schools students. Our aim is not only to analyze, but to further knowledge on an issue that was present during and after the development of the study. We believe it is necessary not only to have a good understanding of the young generation that is in school, but also to develop the ability to listen, preceded by a sensitive evaluation, as strategies for identifying different contexts, and to direct questions so that collaborators can find meaning in their participation in the research. We bring together previous experiences based on the project Brazilian Youth and Democracy – Participation, Spheres, and Public Politics, carried out from 2004 to 2005. We observed the need for greater care in the creation and application of the research tools, taking into account the invisibility of many young people. The focus of the reflection was, therefore, instruments for the production of the quantitative data.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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