• Abstract


    Published date: 12/05/2017

    Creativity in the continuing education of teachers, from an educational perspective, as a social asset based on (re) thinking, (re) planning and (re) assigning new meaning, in both learning and teaching, is urgent nowadays. This article seeks to understand the concept of creativity and its relevance in the continuing education of elementary school teachers. This discussion is the result of a part of the theoretical foundation for the Master's dissertation in Education of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), which used a qualitative exploratory approach. The survey highlighted the need for a training that emphasizes the theoretical bases of creativity, in constant pursuit of new meaning, and learning, and to make it more open and dynamic. These aspects indicate that creativity needs to be taken on board as an educational value and a social asset, in order to create creative teachers and students who are aware of social, political, economic, educational and planetary issues. In other words, citizens who are concerned with themselves and with the betterment of society as a whole. Therefore, it is essential to train teachers with awareness and extended attitudes to transform adverse situations in creative actions. This means accepting a critical and constructive practice of new knowledge, in order to create shared meanings for today’s formative dimension.

Revista Contrapontos

Journal of the Postgraduate Program in Education of Univali.



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